Tom Kurke

Tom Kurke

Vice President, Ecosystem and Ventures
Bentley Systems

Tom is responsible for Bentley Systems’ overall partnering strategy and leads investments out of Bentley iTwin Ventures which is the Company’s $100 million corporate venture capital fund. In addition to investing in startups and emerging companies that are strategically relevant to Bentley’s objective of advancing infrastructure through going digital, Bentley iTwin Ventures also works on solution co discovery projects with startups aligned to cohorts through the iTwin Activate program. Tom has spent the majority of his career working with, and learning from, engineers who build or manufacture things. Tom is a serial entrepreneur who rejoined Bentley from AWS in early 2021.


Panel discussion: Venture Capital (VC): from investment trends to how to seek funding

For software start-ups and industry experts with an entrepreneurial outlook, our panel of experienced venture capitalists and enterprise investors will be quizzed on the details of today’s market. VCs can express their views on trends and give advice to better use any time in an engagement when seeking funding.
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