Emma is Head of Information Management Strategy at RLB Digital. Her job involves working out the intricate details of information management and how they join together, whether that’s at a project, organisation or at an industry level. Providing though-leadership and solutions to complex problems. She is vice-chair of both nima and buildingSMART UK&I, part of the BSI B/555 standards committee and author of the UK BIM framework guidance. She is one of a handful of people to gain both COBie and buildingSMART certified professional status.
In 2022, she was recognized for her contributions and won the “Digital Construction Champion of the Year” award at the Digital Construction Awards. As a result of her accomplishments, she was made an honorary fellow of the University of Nottingham in information management and modelling.
From a software perspective she is an Autodesk Revit Certified Professional, she co-authored the book “Delivering Construction-Operations Building information exchange (COBie) using Autodesk Revit” and is a former Revit gunslinger. She also authored the Bond Bryan Digital ‘Revit to IFC’ blog series.
She is fascinated by the science and philosophy of information and how it can be applied to the built environment. She takes her in-depth knowledge of software and its interoperability and combines this with her understanding of industry standards and the theory behind them.
Her push is to now use her experience and knowledge to make construction projects more efficient in terms of information management, by joining up the dots between people, process and technology to enable true collaboration with an emphasis on open standards and principles.