Chris Ruffo

Chris Ruffo

AEC Segment Manager
Lenovo Workstations

Chris Ruffo is the World Wide Segment Lead for AEC and Product Development in the Lenovo Workstations Group. He has over 20 years of experience working in the CAD, Media and Entertainment and digital media sectors. Partnering with senior management at companies like Lenovo, Epic Games, The Foundry, Autodesk, and Alias|Wavefront, Chris has a passion for bringing new products and services to market.


Workstation Hardware Requirements for BIM 2.0

(with Jenni Ramsay) As the AEC industry looks toward BIM 2.0, Lenovo wants to hear and learn from our community of Architects, Engineers, IT professionals, Software Developers and Investors about your needs for next generation workstation hardware. Join the Lenovo Product Leadership team for this interactive workshop where we will explore your hardware requirements for three key areas: mobility, remote work and high performance compute (HPC).
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